Yummy Rhubarb!


I want to share my excitement about one of my favorite seasonal delights—rhubarb!

It’s just been in the last couple of years that I’ve really become fond of rhubarb.

It’s kind of a weird food; technically a vegetable, but almost exclusively cooked as a fruit. It grows in long reddish-pink stalks that looks similar to celery, and eaten raw, rhubarb is super tart.

This awesome plant is only in season for a short time between April-June, which makes now the perfect time to go find some at your local grocery or farmers market!

Rhubarb is a great source of many vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, vitamin K, Potassium and Calcium. It is also high in fiber which makes rhubarb amazing for your bowels! This is actually my favorite thing about rhubarb, because as a Nutritionist, I do really care about my (and your) bowel health. Historically, Rhubarb was used to treat constipation because it also contains bioactive compounds that have laxative properties.

Hooray! So now you know that eating rhubarb will help keep your bowels happy and your digestion moving along swimmingly. :)

Now, how do you eat this magical food?

My favorite way to use rhubarb is to make a simple compote that I can use in many delectable ways. Try drizzling it on top of yogurt and granola, or with oatmeal, or (my personal fave) on ice cream!

chopped rhubarb.jpg

Here’s the super easy (not super precise) way that I make a rhubarb compote:

  • First, chop up a few stalks of rhubarb.

  • Then chop up some fruit, such as strawberries or apples. This will help naturally sweeten the compote because rhubarb by itself is very tart.


  • Throw it all in a saucepan.

  • Add a few drops of water. This will help initiate the breakdown of the rhubarb.

  • Simmer for a while (maybe 15-20 mins), stirring and mashing occasionally, until the rhubarb and fruit are all mushy and mixed together.

  • Add some honey or sugar, depending on your sweet tooth.


  • Let cool. Store in the fridge. Enjoy however you like!!

Amy Kovner