My Year Off Instagram: How Letting Go Transformed My Life
At the end of 2023, I made a decision that would profoundly impact my mental health, relationships, and overall well-being: I went off Instagram. For years, I had told myself, “If it weren’t for my business, I’d delete Instagram.” Like many others, I saw it as an essential tool for marketing and connection. But the truth was harder to admit—I was addicted.
Social media had become my go-to distraction. At red lights, in grocery store lines, even when my kids were talking to me, I’d find myself mindlessly scrolling. It was an automatic response to boredom, discomfort, or even just a spare moment. But instead of feeling connected or inspired, I felt anxious, insecure, and distant from myself. Instagram wasn’t just a tool anymore—it was a habit that was stealing my time and energy.
The Wake-Up Call
In December 2023, I hit a breaking point. I’d been feeling increasingly stuck—frustrated by the time I was wasting and ashamed of how often I turned to my phone instead of being present. I saw how my mental health was suffering and how bad I felt about myself. So I finally decided to delete all social media apps from my phone. Initially, my intention was to be off the apps for a few weeks in order to be fully present and enjoy the holidays with my family.
The first week was… interesting. Without Instagram, I found myself scrolling other apps, like Airbnb, browsing outrageous mansions and quirky vacation spots. But soon, the allure of my phone stopped and I began leaving it in another room for hours without a second thought. It was so liberating!
What I Gained by Letting Go
Almost immediately, I noticed a shift. My anxiety levels dropped significantly. Instead of feeling tethered to my phone, I had time and mental space I hadn’t experienced in years. Here’s what changed:
Deeper Connection with Myself: I started journaling while sipping cacao, meditating, and singing. These practices became grounding rituals that helped me reconnect with my inner world.
Rekindling Joys: I rediscovered simple pleasures like reading books for fun and listening to music. These activities nourished me in ways scrolling never could.
Clarity and Focus: Without the constant influx of curated lives and advertisements, my mind felt clearer. I was more present, more creative, I could stay focused on tasks. I felt more at ease.
A New Level of Restfulness: Being off social media felt profoundly restful. My nervous system wasn’t constantly stimulated by the endless scroll, and I found myself feeling more relaxed, refreshed, and at peace in my day-to-day life.
The Hard Truth About Social Media
We’ve all heard the research about social media’s impact on mental health. Studies show how platforms like Instagram can increase feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and depression. Yet, breaking free from it can feel impossible. For me, it wasn’t until I stepped away that I fully understood how much it had been affecting me.
An Invitation to Reflect
Have you ever thought about taking a break from social media? If you have, what was your experience? And if you haven’t, what might it feel like to create more space in your life?
For me, this decision wasn’t just about social media—it was about reclaiming my time and energy, learning to be more present, and prioritizing my mental health. If you’re curious about starting your own social media detox, I’m happy to share more about what helped me or simply be a listening ear.